Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sistah Souja comes to Morgan!

The greatest writers are well travelled.” Uttered Sistah souja , born Lisa Williamson and raised in the Bronx , New York, with a sense of excitement as she discuessed what it takes to compose a book. Sistah Souja was came to Morgan to discuss her latest book Midnight: A Gangsters Love Story . “Souja was well versed in the afflications of the black community,” says Jamonte Linthicum , a civil enginerring major from Morgan state university. What else can be expected of a woman who attended Rutgers University and was able to become a social activist capable of esxposeing an entirely different side of former President Bill Cliton. A former member of Public Enemy, Souja was able to connect with the students of Morgan State Univeristy on another leval than a Toni Morrision or other aurthors who are far removed from the Hip- Hop generation. Students appeared to almost gravite toward Souja , in such a manner that one employee stats “Don’t they (the students) have class they seem to multiply by the minuate.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Reggie,

    Please be sure that you watch your SPELLING! I am going to start yelling at you. You are so talented, but I keep getting distracted by the typos. i.e. "capable of esxposeing an entirely different" or "on another leval than a Toni Morrision" ARGH!

    Also, while I enjoyed the Tweets, I needed a live shot. I understand cameras were not allowed, but someone in your class snuck one. Nice art substitution, so I did not take off points.

    Grade=90/A (for typos)
