Monday, March 2, 2009

PowerShift is in full Swing!

Washington D.C’s convention center was flooded with 12,000 young people, hailing from all over the country, different nationalities, and different creeds. This vast population is diverse however they have managed to come together for Power shift “09”, a conference that empowers young people with information about global warming and stimulating students to act. Students participated in caucuses, lectures, and concerts. Students had the luxury of hearing many speakers and performers such as Nia Robinson, director of Environmental Justice and Climate Change initiative and Van Jones ,Founder and president of Green for All, Santigold and the Roots both Made appearances. It was an enriching experience and I will share that through the videos and pictures that will follow this post!

1 comment:

  1. Reggie, this is FANTASTIC! I am so happy to see you adding pics AND video. Very well done. As we discussed though, please, please, please watch for typos and grammatical errors: (i.e. Students had the luxury of hearing many speakers and performers such as Nia Robinson, director of Environmental Justice and Climate Change initiative and Van Jones ,Founder and president of Green for All, Santigold and the Roots both Made appearances..." This is a run on. This is the only place you lost points.

    Otherwise, great job!

