Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Disappearing Act : The Absence of Minorities in the media

Do you remember New York Under Cover, Living single, and Martin and have you ever wonder what happen to those shows? Why is it that shows that feature diverse casts are disappearing from TV? Not only are they disappearing but also, minorities are being demoralized before our eyes. Many argue that there are shows with casts that accurately portray minorities. While this is true in some cases, it appears false in the general sense. Since emancipation, portrayals of minorities have been negative. The 1830s presented former slaves in a new light when non –blacks dressed up in “blackface” and gave their interpretation of black behavior. The issue with shows such as “Amos and Andy” is that people who never had an experience with a minority will believe that is how minorities behave. The concept that people just need to see something to believe it may seem a bit infantile, but it is quite commonplace. It has become imperative that shows depict more accurate portrayals of people of color. America is a diverse nation and our media needs to reflect that. It is not enough to demand minority programming but there must also be a demand for quality shows. There need to be more, Shows that depict people of color doing more than being sports stars or drug dealers. When presented on majority Anglo – American programs people of color often fall prey to pacification, over/under sexualized, and become bland. It is evident that this phenomenon does not occur with just people of color, but it actually something that the gay, lesbian, and transgendered community experience. On Dawson’s creek, all of the characters experienced healthy and fulfilling relationships, while the one Gay, character, Jack MxPhee was the last to fall in love and experienced the most tumultuous relationships of all the characters. The introductions of minorities on majority shows never show the experience from the minorities perspective moreover, the experience is more of the Anglo –American reaction to someone who is different. The concept of adding minorities into these majority shows is wonderful however; they should depict how the characters feel about being in awkward social situations. There needs to be a new reintroduction of all people in the media, everyone has suffered from a negative stereotype. Perpetuating negative ideas is ridiculous. At one time or another, everyone has been a victim of a stereotype. Dispelling stereotypes instead of promoting them should be on everybody’s agenda. The disenfranchisement of others is something our founders fled from and yet, we are doing what Europe did to our founding fathers. The media has a unique opportunity to shape and mold the minds of millions, so it is quite disturbing to witness shows like Friends that will not celebrate its main characters, Monica and Ross’s Jewish heritage. Bringing the point to an afro centric perspective, we cannot rely on the networks to give their ideas of what blacks are like on the air. The networks are only giving the audience what they want; people will treat you how you allow them to treat you. If you allow the media to eradicate all of the minority based shows than that will happen. It is when people unify and voice their displeasure that things will change. The United States of America is one of the most diverse nations in the world boasting 31 ancestry groups; our media should be a reflection of that diversity. America will only continue to become more diverse as time goes on but, we must stay tuned to see if that diversity will be reflected on the TV screen.

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