Thursday, April 2, 2009

Greenlight:Spotlight - Allissa Hosten

Hello everyone today I had the pleasure to interview professor Allissa Hosten , an English professor at Morgan State University . Professor Hosten is also a renowned writer whose free lance work has been published by and she has done photo journalism for essence magazine’s online site. She is a new age women who holds degrees from Xavier University and Northwestern University. Aside of being a professor and mentor to the next generation of African American Journalists, Hosten is currently preparing for her ever looming wedding. It is an honor to present an interview by a woman who is redefining journalism and shaping the minds of many through teaching and writing. I hope you enjoy this intimate look from spotlight: Greenlight

1.summer or winter? summer
2.Walk in the par or Elaborate Dinner? walk in the park
3.Essence or Ebony?
4.Jazimine Sullivan or Beyonce? Jazimie Sullivan
5.Cats or Dogs? Dogs
6.Spiderman or Superman? Spiderman
7.Honda or Chevy? Honda
8.Professor or Editor? Professor
9.Obama or Biden? Obama
10.Ice Cream or cake? both

1 comment:

  1. This is so Cute Reggie. Your blog is really coming together, keep up the solid work
