Monday, August 9, 2010


Hey Everybody it has been a while since i posted anything, but i am willing to take up the cause to SAVE our planet. The fight to stop climate change is one that involves us all and there is a campaign we can all lend our Support to in order to make our voices heard. This past weekend at the 2010 Powervote training young people like yours selves gather to fight a common foe, climate change. The climate movement has something for everyone and the Powervote pledge is your first step to making the difference. The Powervote Pledge is you, the people making a stand to combat climate change and empowering your selves and your community. Filling out the pledge is easy as 1,2,3...,
So I wanted to do an integral post about the campaign because I will wear my shirt every Wednesday and I will pass out pledges all over campus , so be on the look out for this green shirt. If you wanna get involved or you know any interested parties please have em hit me up at Larkin.reginald or hit me up on twitter TreehuggeRL and of course there is our friend Facebook Reginald Larkin. I will document all my work and people with an album and videos. Be on the lookout people this is gonna be a good campaign!For more information about Powervote here is the website . Come on Morgan State and GO BEARS!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Flashing lights, Blinding lights!

Rapper, Kanye West raps about Flashing Lights , but it is painfully ironic that city lights are inhibiting people from seeing the milky way at night. Light pollution is making it difficult for one fifth of the world’s population is unable to enjoy the night sky. “'The arc of the Milky Way seen from a truly dark location is part of our planet's natural heritage, “says Connie walker, astronomer from the US National Optical Astronomy Observatory in Tucson, Arizona. Two thirds of the United States and the European Union cannot see the Milky Way. The remainifcations of Light population go further than mans inability to see the stars. There can be affects on wildlife and energy consumption. For more information check out the original article at

An End to paradise

Imagine a land where waterfalls are crashing upon rocks with a thunderous roar. Monkeys swing from trees that are taller than your house. The rain forest is a place where the shrubbery engulfs the floor and the trees in the canopy make it appear to be a permanent eclipse. The rainforest is a whimsical place that is home to 40 to 75 percent of the earth’s species of wildlife. In addition, the plant life is responsible for providing the earth with 28 percent of its oxygen.
The rain forests benefit the earth in a number of ways. However, deforestation has devastated the rainforest causing E.O Wilson , research professor Harvard university ,to estimate that 50,000 species a year go extinct. Rainforests .net t projects that the rate of deforestation higher. Journalist, Murray Morgan was quoted It was strangely like war. They attacked the forest as if it were an enemy to be pushed back from the beachheads, driven into the hills, broken into patches, and wiped out. Many operators thought they were not only making lumber but liberating the land from the trees..." Morgan Felt that the forests itself was under attack by industrialization.
All over the world, people are joining, together to save the polar ice caps and develop sustainable economies. Fighting to preserve the majesty of earth is a vital mission. Without a doubt fighting for green jobs and lobbying for cleaner energy are fights that must be fought, however the rate at which the rainforest is being destroyed is an outrage in a self. How is it that whole coalitions are going green, yet there is this great injustice occurring? states on their website 921,915, is the number of species that have gone extinct since January. It is alarming to think that it has been projected that by the year 2014 that 50 percent of the wildlife the rain forests will be extinct. While many debate the rate of destruction of the rain forests author Patrick Symmess states “You hear headlines from time to time about the Amazon rainforest disappearing at a greater or lesser rate.... The real story is that over time the rate has stayed just the same. Year after year, decade after decade, we have failed to stop or really even decrease deforestation...”
Deforestation of the rainforests releases large amounts of carbon dioxide , which in turn causes droughts that kill trees. The Meteorological office (Met office) predicts that by 2050, more trees will die simply because of drought. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) did not to list the names of who is under contract or the benefactors who cut down the trees on their website.
Global warming has a web effect, everything that damages the ozone layer manages to damages every other aspect of the earth An example of this is the icecaps melting in turn, the polar bear population depletes. The global eco system suffers when the necessities such as ice, trees, and animals go extinct. The repercussions of mass deforestation as it relates to global warming are apparent when one views images of eco systems and compare them to images from fifty years ago. The comparison is quite telling of the direction in which humankind is heading.
When thinking about deforestation and how it relates to humans, the question of who is benefiting from such massive “development” comes to mind? The government has “turned a deaf ear” to the rain forests. Ignoring the rain forests could prove to be a fatal mistake.
The problem of global warming requires attention for every detail. The global eco system suffers when resources are depleted , moreover it causes a strain on the planet as it attempts to compensate for lost resources. Existing in a limited quantity natural resources had the lifespan to last 100,000 of years , however the rate they are being is has exhausted that life span.
Frederick Douglass said, “Man's greatness consists in his ability to do and the proper application of his powers to things needed to be done.” If nations do not unite he treasures of earth may be but a distant memory. A world without a rainforests would see an end . If nothing is done to save the rainforest the shrubbery that created the illusion of endless night will be gone , Earth will lose those species that made the rainforests such a diverse eco-system.. The rainforest is a treasure in its self yet, we continue to tarnish it. Only time will tell what will become of this divine paradise.

Giant JellyFish???

Jellyfish are a common sight in the sea and with their growing populations. It appears that there is now a variety in their size as well. Jellyfish with a length five feet are swimming off the coast of southeast Asia, North sea, Black sea, and the Gulf of Mexico. Researchers are saying that fish keep the jellyfish populations stable however, with overfishing there is no one to compete for their food source. Climate change may be instrumental in creating ideal conditions for jellyfish to grow. While some may hear of these “monster jelly fish” and think that, this is just evolution in turn ignoring the fact that if one population grows others must shrink. Jellyfish are not only growing in number but in size meaning they will begin to hunt for more suitable prey. Researchers are speculating that there is a Jellyfish that weighs 440lbs with a diameter of 2.5 ft. Over time these jellyfish will only get bigger inversely forcing many of our favorite sea creatures to become lunch or go extinct. For more information about “monster jelly fish” you can search the original article at

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Greenlight:Spotlight - Malcolm "Mazon" Mays

I am writing an article about the recession's affects on the music industry and i interviewed Morgan's own Mazon to help gain prospective on the topic. As always i have listed the interview questions in case the audio is unaudiable. His myspace is and his mixtape can be found at The interveiw is a widget located to the right and it is under the name Recession Music. I hope everyone enjoys the audio the article will be up next week!
1. What is name?
2. What is is your classification?
3. What is your major?
4. Where are you from?
5. How old are you?
6. What inspired you to rap?
7. Who are your favorite rappers?
8. Do you feel that the recession has hurt the industry?
9. Has where you grew up influenced your music and how?
10. Do you believe it has affected people or yourself getting signed>
11. Has the recession had effect on the way you produce music?
12. Do you think the quality of music suffers as result of the pressure from the industry during these times?
13. What is the last cd you bought?
14. If you had one wish granted what would it be?
15. If you could callobrate w/ someone who would it be/
16. Where do you see rap in ten years?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Blurb

Hello Everybody and welcome to today's edition of Greenlight: Spotlight , I'm Reginald Larkin and i am bringing the news to you.
Local : Victoria Carter ,58, head of special education department , has recently been arrested because she was found with 50 grams of cocaine in possession.
National: Obama vows to aid Mexico with their drug war , he was quoted saying "We are going to be dealing not only with drug interdiction coming north but also working on helping to curb the flow of cash and guns going south"
International: Mexico is being to look more like Iraq as cartels are at war with the police. Civilians are being drafted by these gangs to assist in their efforts to transport and protect “their Product.”
Entrainment: The Reality TV train is picking up momentum. A host celebrity are lining up to get reality TV shows, as if twitter wasn’t enough they want us to share their most intimate moments.
Sports: Man Down! Man Down! , these words describe the pain of many since Kevin Garnett , will be unable to play in the Play offs. Although Garnett will be sorely missed nut the show must go on, so everyone should tune in and support the Boston Celtics.
Our Broadcast begins after these brief messages

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Greenlight:Spotlight - Kari Fulton

The Environmental Justice and Climate Coalition (EJCC) employs many people who mobilize and engage youth all over the nation. Howard University alumna, Kari Fulton is one such employee. Fulton has adamantly taken stance opposing Environmental racism. She inspires many youth to take up the fight. Fulton in her young age is highly decorated and has held the following honors, “A Young People For “ fellow , a 2008 Brower youth award recipient , and a 2008 Damu Smith (Power of One) young professional award recipient as well. This week’s addition of GreenLight: Spotlight will interview this young activist on the rise. I hope everyone enjoys it, also the interview in audio so check the podcast to the right.