Rapper, Kanye West raps about Flashing Lights , but it is painfully ironic that city lights are inhibiting people from seeing the milky way at night. Light pollution is making it difficult for one fifth of the world’s population is unable to enjoy the night sky. “'The arc of the Milky Way seen from a truly dark location is part of our planet's natural heritage, “says Connie walker, astronomer from the US National Optical Astronomy Observatory in Tucson, Arizona. Two thirds of the United States and the European Union cannot see the Milky Way. The remainifcations of Light population go further than mans inability to see the stars. There can be affects on wildlife and energy consumption. For more information check out the original article at http://www.cosmosmagazine.com/news/2797/one-fifth-us-have-lost-sight-milky-way
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