“People have been very positive and receptive” says Tony C. Anderson, 26, Morehouse College alum who is taking the environmental movement by storm. Since graduating in the spring of 2008, Anderson has managed to familiarize himself with the who’s who of the environmental world. He has become a fellow with the Compton foundation, a fellowship that affords him the opportunity to have Nia Robinson, director of The Environmental Justice Climate Coalition and Van Jones , president of Green for all and senior fellow with the center for American Progress as mentors. Majoring in political philosophy, Anderson has managed to put his degree to use by creating the “Lets Raise A Million”(LRAM) campaign. LRAM is an Environmental Justice organization that circulates compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL) or smart bulbs as Anderson so affectionately calls them. LRAM plans circulate to households of a modest income. The money being are saved can be applied to other areas where funding is vital. Saving money and energy can show people how inclusive the green movement really is. When asked what the inspiration for his campaign is, he enthusiastically responds “Hearing Nia Robinson speak at a conference about Compact Florescent light bulbs.” He goes on to explain that when it came time to choose a gift that his mother could really use he gave her light bulbs. After hearing his mother praise clean energy light bulbs with her friends it became apparent that if you could get clean energy light bulbs to households of a modest income throughout Atlanta there would be a dramatic impact in the energy usage and money spent on light bulbs. Anderson plans to reach the million mark and take his campaign to a national level. Through his work with the Barack Obama Campaign, he gained practical political experience. Anderson had this to say of Obama’s recent achievement “The most qualified man won, but one thing that is scary is Obama’s talk of clean coal.” While there is talk of “clean coal”,Anderson has managed to generate a buzz of his own through for Florescent light bulbs. Kari Fulton, National Campus Campaign Coordinator for EJCC, says, “Tony’s work has been very instrumental in engaging college students in concrete ways, he is showing us how to save money and the planet.”
“ Im ya favorite rapper, im ya favorite rapper, don’t lie im ya favorite rapper,” these are words chanted throughout the chorus of the song appropriately entitled “Favorite Rapper”. At first listen to the song one may get the impression that they are listening to a new rap group straight out of New York , however this is a song by Morgan’s own rap group Any Means Necessary (AMN). AMN consists of four group members Dwaine Wilson (Dweez),Craig (young Mab), Donald Ballard(Don), and Ladi. Meeting three years ago, these young men found they shared a common love of Hip-Hop, while they were rapping back in O’Connell hall. Many new rappers who hit the music scene often resort to shocking and vulgar lyrics or fall prey to the trends of the music business in turn producing “bubblegum rap” that is becoming all but common on today’s airwaves. In an era where images are created AMN knows who they are and will not compromise that or there sound. AMN has more in common with old school rap than it does with the new school. The group’s only objective is to have positive feelings resonate with people with what they call” Feel Good Music.” It is rare to hear a group of rappers who want to uplift their community. The emergence of rappers like souja boy and T-pain it is becoming extremely difficult to take rap seriously . Hip-hop goes through phases like a person and its latest pop phase appears to be taming the once controversial genre. When the group was asked what direction Hip-Hop is taking, Dweez responds “It’s on its way [to being pop].” Ladi follows up. “There was a message, there is a lack of substance. If you’re gonna do pop, still have a message.” AMN embeds each of their songs with a story that connects to the listeners such as the bravado filled “Favorite Rapper” to the sensual under tones of “Breath”. AMN appears to be a group that has something for everybody and message to spread as well. Ladi says, “I want people to have hope and feel refreshed, I want to be the defibrillator that revives music.” After listening to their music and meeting these newbies of the rap community, they may be the breath of fresh air that music has been missing.
To listen to Any Means Necessary or get in contact with them visit their my space http://www.myspace.com/feelgoodmuzic
Do you remember New York Under Cover, Living single, and Martin and have you ever wonder what happen to those shows? Why is it that shows that feature diverse casts are disappearing from TV? Not only are they disappearing but also, minorities are being demoralized before our eyes. Many argue that there are shows with casts that accurately portray minorities. While this is true in some cases, it appears false in the general sense. Since emancipation, portrayals of minorities have been negative. The 1830s presented former slaves in a new light when non –blacks dressed up in “blackface” and gave their interpretation of black behavior. The issue with shows such as “Amos and Andy” is that people who never had an experience with a minority will believe that is how minorities behave. The concept that people just need to see something to believe it may seem a bit infantile, but it is quite commonplace. It has become imperative that shows depict more accurate portrayals of people of color. America is a diverse nation and our media needs to reflect that. It is not enough to demand minority programming but there must also be a demand for quality shows. There need to be more, Shows that depict people of color doing more than being sports stars or drug dealers. When presented on majority Anglo – American programs people of color often fall prey to pacification, over/under sexualized, and become bland. It is evident that this phenomenon does not occur with just people of color, but it actually something that the gay, lesbian, and transgendered community experience. On Dawson’s creek, all of the characters experienced healthy and fulfilling relationships, while the one Gay, character, Jack MxPhee was the last to fall in love and experienced the most tumultuous relationships of all the characters. The introductions of minorities on majority shows never show the experience from the minorities perspective moreover, the experience is more of the Anglo –American reaction to someone who is different. The concept of adding minorities into these majority shows is wonderful however; they should depict how the characters feel about being in awkward social situations. There needs to be a new reintroduction of all people in the media, everyone has suffered from a negative stereotype. Perpetuating negative ideas is ridiculous. At one time or another, everyone has been a victim of a stereotype. Dispelling stereotypes instead of promoting them should be on everybody’s agenda. The disenfranchisement of others is something our founders fled from and yet, we are doing what Europe did to our founding fathers. The media has a unique opportunity to shape and mold the minds of millions, so it is quite disturbing to witness shows like Friends that will not celebrate its main characters, Monica and Ross’s Jewish heritage. Bringing the point to an afro centric perspective, we cannot rely on the networks to give their ideas of what blacks are like on the air. The networks are only giving the audience what they want; people will treat you how you allow them to treat you. If you allow the media to eradicate all of the minority based shows than that will happen. It is when people unify and voice their displeasure that things will change. The United States of America is one of the most diverse nations in the world boasting 31 ancestry groups; our media should be a reflection of that diversity. America will only continue to become more diverse as time goes on but, we must stay tuned to see if that diversity will be reflected on the TV screen.
this is my review of the Fashion At Morgan (FAM) show that took place in October i thought i would post considering the spring show is drawing ever near and i will cover that event.
Reginald Larkin F.A.M, Phenomenon in the making! Section: Fashion/Homecoming Avon Dorsey, founder of Fashion At Morgan (F.A.M), was delighted when he described the recent Homecoming show. Dorsey founded F.A.M on March 3, 2005 was beaming with joy at thought of how far his “baby” has come. “Great show, great effort from the first female president Chavon Henderson. This homecoming show was better than last year there was a lot of pop and sizzle.”Dorsey’s words were synonymous with patrons such as Ashly Green, junior, education major who exclaimed, “I thought the show was set up really nice.” Green’s sentiments do not even begin to describe the futuristic theme “The Quantum Leap” of F.A.M’s fall show. “SGA definitely got their money’s worth,” Dorsey states this repeatedly, and judging by his eruption of joy that must have really been the case. The runway, painted sliver, descended from the stage onto the floor where patrons sat. The show provided a tangible experience that demanded attention. F.A.M has always maintained a tradition of excellence and class; moreover, the change of guard in the executive board (e-board) of F.A.M seems to have had no effect at all on the organization. The show featured looks from designers who are both familiar and foreign. Designers such as Fossil and Arden B made an appearance at the show with their standard fall looks. Although, there were seasoned designers at the show it was apparent that the true showstoppers were neophyte designers J.Alpha, Sandra Taykyi, and Sharia Alston. All three designers had a signature piece in each collection and that managed to become a focal point within the collection. J.Alpha seemed almost synched with the concept of the Show. She managed to create a ready to wear look that gave the hint at the Avant Garde. The piece that embodied the collection was a copper, floral print dress. The dress managed to leave all of the onlookers stunned, yet the dress was stunning for all the right reasons. J.Alpha certainly delivered a dress that was memorable and gorgeous. J.Alpha was featured in the first half of the show yet, She certainly was not the only note worthy designer. Designers such as Nellie Ardnae and Kennie Ervin created pieces that gave the show a fluidity that it would have lacked had they been absent. The second half highlighted the talents of Alek Risimic Couture and Morgan State University’s own, Quest Collection. The Quest Collection consisted of menswear that at times seemed nostalgic for the raging 20’s. The standout pieces of this collection were a wheat colored, Tweed jacket and a matching briefcase that reminiscent of a lunchbox. Quest designs were classic but did not appear dated. One designer whose clothes seemed to be at the heart of both segments in the show was, Sandra Taykyi. Taykyi’s funky ready to wear style featured bathing suits in the first half and rich patterns and luscious textures for her second half. Taykyi’s bathing suits were sensual and at times flirty, however the fall line was more mysterious and conservative. The fall designs featured a Varity of long, flowing evening gowns and then transitioned to casual and carefree Jumpers. Taykyi had a look for everyone and it is designers who are versatile who posses longevity. The Quantum Leap was truly an experience. F.A.M held the audience captive with designs and in the process bestowed a glimpse of the future. Thinking back on the night of the show Avon Dorsey’s words “SGA definitely got their money’s worth” began to resonate. The fall show was truly a treat and many people are anticipating the future. F.A.M really succeeded by leaving everyone hungry for more.
wrote this a ways back and thought i would share this with you all,
Beyonce Knowles (Carter) is back with her third solo effort and this time she is coming with a new persona , mature sound, and lyrical growth that is bound to solidify her place as pop royalty. Since her days with Destiny’s Child, it has always been apparent that Ms. Carters star shined a little brighter than her band mates, yet her previous albums never gave a true representation of what she was capable of as an artist. Fast forward 15 million albums sold and nine Grammys later, it would appear that she finally has it right. I am…Sasha Fierce is an album that allows Knowles to spread her wings and deliver music that is personal and relatable.
The album is a double disc that is broken up into “I Am…” and “Sasha Fierce”, the former has Cartersinging with a Passion and Fortitude that we haven’t heard since Listen. The Latter has Ms. Carter channeling get me bodied and Upgrade U.The Singles of “If I Were a Boy” and “Single Ladies” further highlight the distinct sound of these discs.
Overall, both “I Am…” and “Sasha Fierce” boasts a number of hits that are sure to make this album a favorite at the Grammys. “I Am” is rather awing and almost sublime with tracks “Halo”, “Disappear”, and “Broken Hearted Girl”.
“Halo” describes a love that is so phenomenal that it is heavenly, moreover the lyrics “ Baby when I’m looking out I’m surrounded by your embrace, Baby I can see your Halo, you’re my saving grace”, a heavenly love is exactly what the lyrics describe. However, “Disappear” tells the story of a love that never reaches fruition yet, the lovers refuse to come to terms that their love is doomed.“Broken-Hearted Girl”(BHG) is sure to touch the hearts of many. BHG definitely manages to convey the fear of love and placing your heart in the hands of another. The lyrics use the opening lines “You’re everything I thought you never were, and nothing like I thought you could’ve been.” BHG is a certified hit and Knowles would remiss to release it as a single.
“Sasha Fierce”, embodies Knowles confident and sassy side. At times, the tracks on “Sasha Fierce” sound like they were leftover from “B’Day”. Songs such as “Video Phone and Sweet Dreams” fail to capture ones attention.The lyrics of “Video Phone” are a clear contradiction of her growth as an artist. Lines such as “you a cutie, you should let me put in my movie”, are hard to swallow. It becomes difficult to believe that those lyrics came from the same artist who was just singing about “Halos.”
It is natural that not every song on an album will resonate with everyone, however songs such as “Diva”, “Single Ladies”, and “Radio” certainly have enough momentum to solidify Beyonce’s place as a “Dance Diva.
” “Diva” is a swagger infested, mid-tempo Anthem that boasts, “A Diva is a female version of a hustler.”While “Diva” has a more urban feel, “Single Ladies” feels like a continuation of the famed hit “Get Me Bodied”.Just when you thought, the party was over Beyonce’s demands that “All the single ladies” hit the dance floor. It sounds like Knowles is taunting a former Beau when she infectiously sings “if you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it.”
It is no secret that Ms.Knowles is passionate about music, so it is natural that she would put that passion into her song “Radio.” Radio describes how music has been a driving force in her life. Lyrics like “I be on the hotline like every day, I think I’m in love with my radio cause he never lets me down”, can be a bit off putting but ,within the context of the song it is brilliant. With a beat that feels like it belongs more on band mate, Michelle Williams “Unexpected” , Knowles manages to create something that has a techo appeal.
“I am…Sasha Fierce” is not the perfect album by far, but it manages to hit bases that previous efforts were unable to reach. Growth and Diversity allow Beyonce to create an album that not only will gain her new fans but also further establish her a musical “Super Power”.
“Now is the time to confront this challenge once and for all, Delay is no longer an option. Denial is no longer an acceptable response.” Says president elect Barack Obama. Recent events such as hurricane Katrina and the increase in water level at the North Pole are proof that the effects of climate change are real. Climate Change affects every aspect of society including health, environment, and Energy.”
The United States government is implementing changes that will make America an environmental conscious nation. The creation of the Clean Energy Act is America’s opportunity to limit their carbon emissions. According to Nationmaster.com, the United States of America (USA) ranks number 1 out of 178 nations for carbon emissions.
America is leading three countries that are making extensive contributions to the climate change process.Since 1961, the effects of climate change have been apparent.Deryl Braxton , junior ,Broadcast journalism major, says with what appears to be disdain “ They(the UnitedStates of America) failed to take the steps to prevent climate change, I feel that now , more than ever America is trying to make changes in the way they handle global warming, yet like a bad apology it almost seemstoo little ,too late.”
Although, the United Nations has had minimal success convincing America as a nation to take action, they have managed to inspire the creation of organizations that have made it their personal mission to ensure people are aware of the effects of climate change and what they can do to prevent further damage.
One organization stats “Our mission is to educate and mobilize citizens of this region in a way that fosters a rapid societal switch to clean energy and energy-efficient products, thus joining similar efforts worldwide to halt the dangerous trend of global warming.” The Chesapeake Climate Action Network was established in July 1, 2002.
The state of Maryland has been responsible for the birth of many different Climate concerned programs such as Chesapeake Bay Restoration act, Coal Combustion regulations, and Greening you Facility program. Maryland boasts about many programs that are determined to change the face of environmentalism in Maryland.
Global warming affects many aspects of life for all of humankind, and health in particular has been a major concern."Those least able to cope and least responsible for the greenhouse gases that cause global warming are most affected," says lead author Jonathan Patz, a professor at the University of Wisconsin(UW) -Madison's Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies. Often time’s minorities and the financially disabled are the sufferers of the effects of Global Warming. Braxton again says, “The government has tried to function by appeasing both the people and the company’s, the problem is that they are putting profit over people. It is scary to think the lives of people are being held in such low regard.” The capitalist society of America proves the ignorance of pollution and other environmental concerns.
Maryland has managed to reach the environment and people through the Chesapeake Bay Restoration campaign.The concept for the campaign came during the 1950’s, when the quality of the water in the bay began to suffer. The decline in the waters quality was due to the increasing levels of nitrogen and phosphorus. The quality of the water affects the surrounding eco systems and in turn can cause deterioration of the entire eco system.
The year 2004 marked the signing of the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Act and the creation of the Chesapeake Bay restoration fund. The funding was created to upgrade the 66-wastewater treatments plants to Enhance Nutrient Reduction (ENR). Improving the wastewater plants will allow the eco system to thrive. Upgrading the wastewater treatment plants will better equip the treatment plants to deal with the excess nitrogen and phosphorus.
The Chesapeake Restoration Act and fund led to the creation of many different initiatives that will make Maryland a greener state. The major Initiatives that were created were put into effect to regulate populates. Laws like the Policy for Nutrient Cap Management, Trading, and Maryland Healthy Air Act. The bay became the catalyst for change for environmental concerns in Maryland.
Maryland’s Department of the Environment (DOE) boasts a number of programs whose main goal is to restore Bay and the state to their natural beauty.The Oyster Recovery Partnership is a natural yet, mutual way of restoring both the bay and the population of Oysters to the bay.
"We ... could produce a lot more oysters using the bay bottom as farmland," says Kennedy Paynter, an oyster researcher at the University of Maryland. Producing more oysters allows the bay to renew and release all of the nitrogen and phosphorus pollutes that are in the bay.
Oysters improve water quality by utilizing filter feeding. Oysters act as nature’s waste manger making them the perfect choice aiding in the revitalization of the bay. Oysters are in dire need of restoration. Their population has suffered greatly because of Dremo.Dremo is a pathogen that has caused the mortality rate that has managed to place the oyster industry in a lack luster situation. Restoring oysters is crucial to the worldwide eco system; the death of oysters could result in pollution of the seas becoming even more prevalent.
Since its conception in 2000, the oyster recovery partnership has managed to place 1 billion oysters in oyster bars all around the bay. One oyster is capable of replenishing 500 gallons of water in a lifetime. Chesapeake Bay is proceeding with its plans to restore the bay and oyster populations. The State of Maryland is planning to restore the surrounding communities with an emphasis on health, environment, and energy.
The establishment of the Commission of Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities (CEJSC) provides Maryland with the task of monitoring and always examining environmental and sustainable issues as they relate healthy, environmentally friendly communities. CEJCS wants to provide all Marylanders with the opportunity to live in a community that is healthy and conducive to the expansion of the communities.
The city of Baltimore has three reservoirs and three water waste management plants, which are responsible for the quality of water in which is supplied in masses to the citizens of Baltimore, Maryland. Water has been a key aspect in the development of the city of Baltimore. 100 years ago, Baltimore’s sanitary pipes were constructed and placed near the city’s stream. The planning for the sanitary system was efficient for that time in history, however as time would go on agents that are associated with waste would overflow into the urban stream contaminating them.Recognizing this is a problem the city has budgeted 900 million dollars to restore the urban sewers by limiting the number of overflows.
In the year 1972, the clean water act (CWA) implemented was made to ensure that the water Americans were using was clean and healthy. The intent of the CWA was to regulate the amount of pollution that government allowed to be released into the nation’s water however, due to ambiguity the Supreme Court ruled to make the clause restore the protections.
"The Clean Water Restoration Act seeks ostensibly to restore protections under the Clean Water Act lost due to Supreme Court decisions in 2001 and 2006 and to clarify which waters would be subject to regulation under the act. We’re concerned, however, that the Clean Water Restoration Act would achieve the opposite: It would expand the scope of the Clean Water Act far beyond its original intent while increasing confusion over what is and isn’t to be protected. In addition, we believe the bill runs counter to the principle of accountable government as it seeks to transfer legislative power from elected officials to those appointed for life."
In hopes of sparking a change in the way environment solutions were going this statement released in a letter from a coalition of 100 organizations and individuals who are concerned about the nation’s quality of water.
Despite the confusion that is associated with the CWA many states are taking upon themselves to clean up the natural bodies of water.California’s own Rep. Henry Waxman (CA-30) is the Chairmen of the committee of energy and commerce has personally taking it upon himself to enforce laws that encourage the government and citizens to preserve the country and all of its resources.
Recently in Germany a 42 year old HIV patient with leukemia was injected with stem cells that made his HIV status undetectable .The Stem cells were resistant to HIV and after two years post transplant the man is still healthy and living HIV free . Considering that there is a great need for a cure for HIV/AIDS I think more research should be down with HIV and stem cells.
The wind of change is blowing with hurricane force engulfing all that are in its path; change is apparent in every aspect of society. Now fashion is beginning to reflect that change.Change can be both exhilarating and frightening yet; the thrill of the unknown is what motivates us to experience life. Fashion in the New Year is bold and brave, leaving caution to the wind. The garments are to be free spirited and unafraid they are the embodiment of defiance in the face of conformity.
English Gentlemen
Turtlenecks – are back with a vengeance in the new year the soft cotton Turtlenecks are excellent for layering. There is a level of sophistication and class that a turtleneck gives an outfit when wore properly. Never prestigious or daunting, the turtle is one piece that gives any outfit that extra touch of class.
Bowties - ties are dreaded by many as the noose that “the Man “uses to keep people on a tight leash. However, Bowties are not the typical tie they are classy and even fun.Pairing a bowtie with jeans and an oxford shirt could give any man a studious look that will leave on lookers coveting your style.
Sweater vests – Often associated with the Cosby’s or your grandfather, the sweater vest canbe a cool in a geek chic kind of way when properly paired with the right garment. Pairing the vest with a simple v-neck shirt or jeans, simple and clean is the key to pulling this look off, it is easy to overpower a garment like the sweater vest.
She wants to Move
Boyfriend Blazers – The eighties is like a bothersome ex the you can’t get rid of yet there is still some appeal, and the boyfriend blazer has that same appeal. Infectious, bold, and demanding the boyfriend blazer will soon be a stable in your closet. Bringing back all the attitude that made the eighties such a great time to be alive.
Mini Dress – yes I’ll admit the mini dress has been back for some time, but the dresses that hit the streets of Buenos Aries are rich with patterns and textures. Many celebs are wearing this look Solange was seen wearing a clean yellow mini dress that had a frilly texture.
Jump Suits – The jumpsuits are making appearances on the runways of many top designers , The jump suits are a kind of uniform concept that can be personalized with accessories.While the idea of the jumpsuit may seem a bit far fetch, certainly a look will catch on with the true fashionistas.
“ It’s like his family tried to warn me , they told me stories.” These are the words of Domestic abuse survivor Nikki( last name left out upon request). Domestic Violence has been a prevalent issue as of late with the alleged domestic dispute of pop stars Chris Brown and Robyn (Rihanna) Fenty.People all over the nation are taking a stand against domestic violence.Morgan State University’s own Alpha Gamma chapter of Delta Sigma Theta recently hosted a forum entitled Diary of a Mad Black Women this was a two-part program. The first portion dealt with starting the dialogue about domestic violence and the second half deals with the self-defense in the event any one is in danger and must defend them. Hosted by Nikeeta Williams , the event allowed many women to share their concerns and experiences . One woman whose named was Nikki told the story of how she was abused. Nikki’s ex husband shot her in the eye and the bullet pierced her ear , her father who was a stroke victim managed to get help and 911 for her. “Everyone thought we were the perfect couple, this is telling my second time telling this story. But, I don’t consider myself a victim I think I’m a victor,” Says Nikki. Representatives from the house of Ruth a shelter and clinic the houses victims of spousal abuse and counsels both the victims and attackers. The representatives from the House of Ruth ended the segment with some words of wisdom “ When you are starting to change on the inside its hard to believe you are powerful enough to walk away.”
The greatest writers are well travelled.” Uttered Sistah souja , born Lisa Williamson and raised in the Bronx , New York, with a sense of excitement as she discuessed what it takes to compose a book. Sistah Souja was came to Morgan to discuss her latest book Midnight: A Gangsters Love Story . “Souja was well versed in the afflications of the black community,” says Jamonte Linthicum , a civil enginerring major from Morgan state university. What else can be expected of a woman who attended Rutgers University and was able to become a social activist capable of esxposeing an entirely different side of former President Bill Cliton. A former member of Public Enemy, Souja was able to connect with the students of Morgan State Univeristy on another leval than a Toni Morrision or other aurthors who are far removed from the Hip- Hop generation. Students appeared to almost gravite toward Souja , in such a manner that one employee stats “Don’t they (the students) have class they seem to multiply by the minuate.
2009 is a time in which people are connected in more ways than they have ever been before. we are able to reach one another with a click of a button thus enabling us to interact with each other within the blink of an eye. Although people are able to reach people each other instantaneously, one cannot help but wonder why loneness is on the rise. People are bearing the souls all over the internet yet; they are having the greatest difficulties communicating with those around them. One reason people maybe so lonely could be that there once was a time where as a people we would sit back and enjoy life. The days of relaxation seem to be long gone considering many people manage to bring their phones and other mobile devices with them to dinner and even on outings. Karl Henzy, a professor at Morgan State University says, “I saw a group of teenagers at the mall walking in a group texting each other, no one spoke to each other.” People have taken the fun out of life through living vicariously through the internet and through the experiences of others. Comedians are doing sketches on how people Google all the information they can possibly find on the person they are dating, in turn removing the excite men t of the first date. It is ok to experience life on the net if one so chooses to do so however, what action should be taken in the development of children? Is pre-school and school all together going to become this digital construct that will make what we consider “common social skills” obsolete? I know that it is extreme to say that people will no longer need normal social interaction, but is that not the path we have opted for. If America (to narrow the spectrum) became a nation of convenience that deemed it unnecessary for one to leave the home and work within our own dwellings, would we become a nation of shut ins? Considering that if everyone had access to the same technology there would be no real need for social interaction. My older sister is 31 and I swear we she turned 30 it was as if she became a life coach, but she says that “life is the sum of the choices you make,” moreover I believe that it is also the sum of your experiences. If people choose not to live their lives, one cannot help but wonder than where will you find fulfillment.
Washington D.C’s convention center was flooded with 12,000 young people, hailing from all over the country, different nationalities, and different creeds.This vast population is diverse however they have managed to come together for Power shift “09”, a conference that empowers young people with information about global warming and stimulating students to act. Students participated in caucuses, lectures, and concerts. Students had the luxury of hearing many speakers and performers such as Nia Robinson, director of Environmental Justice and Climate Change initiative and Van Jones ,Founder and president of Green for All, Santigold and the Roots both Made appearances. It was an enriching experience and I will share that through the videos and pictures that will follow this post!